Sunday 1 January 2012


Why should everyone have goals in their life? Can anyone lead life without setting goals? Why are goals important? First, what is a goal? A goal is something which helps you to grow even if you achieve it or not.

Many of us set several goals in life, some are achieved and some remain the way they are,waiting to be achieved. If you achieve your goal you would have gained the outcome of the goal and the potential to go for bigger goals.If you could not achieve your goal at the first time,you would have gained experience of what not to do and what to do.This means you have greater chances for success next time.

Imagine you are driving a car(assume that you can drive).If you know where you want to go,you can reach the place by yourself or if initially you don’t know where it is,by gaining help along the way,you can reach the place.But,what if you had no idea of where to would be circling the whole place. 

Goals are like these,it gives you a sense of direction of  where to go.You will soon find how to go for it with hard work and persistence and will reach your goal successfully.